Wednesday 29 June 2011

love and attraction

No matter how intense;
Will fade one day.
Like every bright star of the night
Disappears with the first rays of the morning.
Like every green tree of the spring
Loses all it’s leaves in the autumn.
And like every passion, every dream
Loses all it’s significance just after being realised.
Yes, time and vicissitudes created by the time,
Takes all the life and all the meaning from attraction.
And render it as lifeless as a wicked man’s heart.
Attraction is a bond:
A bond is bound to be broken, to be shattered.

But love,
Love is a flower that never fades;
No matter what the season is.
There are bonds, there are limits;
But, love itself is not a bond, it is not limited.
There is no visible source
Of the pleasant smell that it exudes all the time.
Self-sufficient: that’s what it is.
It never ends because it has no beginning:
It just sprouts in our hearts out of nowhere,   
Disappears when we proceed towards our eternal abode.
Every other feeling: hatred, passion,compassion, jealousy...
Everything changes form; but not love.
For thousands of years it has remained the same;
And it will not change till the end of time.
Because it is the only thing that god created;
Everything else is man made ...........

                                          Thank you,                 
                                                            Avinash Ranjan.

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