Thursday 23 June 2011

From gloom to glory

Whom are we impersonating?
Why are we changing ourselves so drastically?
Where exactly are we going?
What precisely do we want?
Ah, our respective answers, we all know.
Oh yes, that is the fact; isn’t it.
It takes enormous amount of courage to utter those words.
“I want to succeed; yes, I want to embrace the Goddess success.”
Deep inside, we all know
We don’t want to be successful
We want to be deemed successful,
In the eyes of others,
Who also want the same thing.
Don’t we know that
We don’t love ourselves
As much as we envy others.
Our sorrows are not our miseries;
Other’s prosperities is our misery.
We don’t walk alone because we are afraid;
No that is not true;
We don’t walk alone because we want to follow the throng,
We want to be assured that our path is well treaded.
Knowing quite well that well treaded paths only brings mediocrity, not success.
We don’t laugh because others are not laughing now.
We don’t cry because we will be deemed weak.
Not a single thing we do for our very sake.
We consider mundaness the way of life.
Our treachery is our resourcefulness:
Deceit our weapon.
Beach pebbles the pearls of oceans.
All we human beings have become a big throng of insects;
With no individuality, following each other without knowing the reason.

This is not going to work, not at all by any means.
Human race will die without it’s individuality:
We will not survive if we are all not different from each other.
Only a peculiar individual can be creative;
Creation is the flesh and blood of our race.
Amassing the heap of information in our brains will not take us anywhere:
Knowledge is the need of the hour.
Only creative force in this world is individuality.
Without that we are breathing dead bodies.

Friends if we feel any obligation towards our world,
Let’s all take a pledge now that we will remain faithful to our respective individualities.
Come what may, we will not change our naturality for anything ,
Thus we will always remain Productive, Creative, and Real. 

                                                                                       Thank you ,
                                                                                                           Avinash Ranjan.

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