Friday 1 July 2011

Who Knows what Happens

Do not waste a single drop of your tear,
Who knows when the ocean comes begging to you!

“The well does not go to the thirsty”
It’s just a phrase, not an axiom.
There is no one in this world
Who does not have anything to offer.

Always keep yourself ready,
Who knows when the eyes of the Master catch you!

It’s only the mirror which breaks by a shock;
The image always remains untouched, unharmed.
Even the best of our friends can show us their backs,
But our problems; they will never jilt us.

Each and every drop of tear, we should love,
Who knows which one washes our soul!

It is no use showing obsequence to the roads
Our feet are our means in the journey; not the roads.
The man who can fall in his own eyes,
Can get up without any help; corporal or divine.

Never reject the invitations of the waves,
Who knows , which one of them will take you to the shore.

                                                         Thank you,
                                                                 Avinash Ranjan.   

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