Wednesday 13 July 2011

Open Up The Doors

Like this, the pain will not alleviate;
Like this, the dark will only abbreviate.
    Moping was a thing of past,
    Do away with the tears: do away fast.

This loneliness, this gloom, this anguish, this suffocation,
How can the wind blow when there is so much stagnation.
     Just open up the closed gate;
     Talk to light, it’s not too late.
All the negativities, all the hindrance will disappear, Realisation will  occur, how  close  the goal was from  here.

Not only in the homes, there are stairs in the hearts too;
If melancholy can use them, same  can the angels do.
   When  shackles of boast are broken,
   New relations will come like love’s token.
    Let the noise from the outside come,
    It will vanquish all the loneliness,all the glum.

Come, for some time, let’s live a life, a life full of chaos;
Let’s feel others pain, let’s mourn other’s loss.
      Let’s for some time live carefree,
     To everyone’s speculation agree.
     Let the fog disperse from the soul, from the heart,
     Let the pain in the heart subside, let’s all restart.

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